If/When Oct 17, 2023


节目撰稿人:Marc DeSchamp, Paul Thies

On this episode, Marc DeSchamp, program manager and a leader in the Transportation Decarbonization practice at Jacobs, 分享了他对绿色交通趋势的见解, including some of the challenges that municipalities face when deploying a green transportation program, as well as the opportunities and technologies that are helping to make more sustainable and environmentally-friendly public transportation a reality.

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About our guest

Marc DeSchamp

Marc DeSchamp is a program manager and leader in the Jacobs Transportation Decarbonization Practice. His particular focus is on delivering solutions to clients grappling with the challenges of fleet electrification. 在运输行业干了15年, 马克负责公共汽车的采购, 领导战略规划工作, 并担任公共汽车和设施项目的项目经理. Marc currently leads the development of NY MTA’s Zero Emissions Fleet Transition Plan, which will serve as a roadmap to decarbonizing the largest transit fleet in North America. Marc holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering and a Master of Science in engineering management from Northeastern University. 他是马萨诸塞州的注册专业工程师, 他和妻子还有两个孩子住在哪里.

Get to know Marc

About If/When

In Jacobs’ series of interviews with some of today’s leading industry and academic problem solvers, we discuss the Ifs and Whens of disruption — those phenomena with the potential to unsettle the status quo, 以及那些即将发生的和正在出现的. 这个系列的特点是各种各样的客人, including executives, celebrities, academics, astronauts, doctors, generals, musicians, engineers and scientists, 大家都在讨论一系列话题, from climate change, to data science, to creativity, to cybersecurity, and a whole lot more. 对话和参与 If/When series from Jacobs seeks to provide a forum for the curious minded to hear from diverse voices on a diversity of subjects.

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