




正规博彩十大网站排名 delivers high-end solutions for remote sensing and earth observation, 情报收集, 通信与导航, and space-enabled science and exploration through its decades of experience and capabilities in scientific, 工程技术创新.


  • 5 K

    employees supporting multiple NASA centers, other government users and industry partners

  • 70 +

    years providing innovative solutions to government, private companies and industries

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您的企业合作伙伴,为全球空间探索提供支持 & 国防

您的企业合作伙伴,为全球空间探索提供支持 & 国防

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As prime contractor for NASA’S Exploration Ground Systems Program at Kennedy 空间 Center, 正规博彩十大网站排名 is responsible for the development and operations of flight vehicle components, 包括集成, 处理, 测试, 发射和回收. 雅各布斯团队帮助美国宇航局对KSC的设施和地面设备进行现代化和升级,为太空发射系统(SLS)和猎户座载人飞船的发射做准备,以支持阿尔忒弥斯计划, 它的目标是让第一位女性和第一位有色人种登上月球,并建立可持续的探索,为火星任务做准备. Examples of this work includes upgrades to the 6-million pound crawler transporter, 380英尺高的移动发射器和39B发射台. The launch team is now completing development of the spaceport command and control system software, and is starting to process flight hardware for the launch of SLS and 猎户座. The 正规博彩十大网站排名 team also provides 技术 and engineering support to a variety of commercial space companies, 包括洛克希德马丁公司, 波音公司, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司和内华达山脉公司.



正规博彩十大网站排名 is providing 技术 leadership and support to NASA’s 航天发射系统 Program in the areas of vehicle systems engineering and integration; flight software development; avionics systems integration; lab construction and operation; vehicle structural load development; structural, propulsion and acoustic 测试; and design, 开发与分析. 雅各布斯团队还设计和监督运输所需地面支持设备的开发和测试, 测试, 并在地面上操作大型SLS飞行硬件.



正规博彩十大网站排名 is part of the team of engineers supporting development and construction of NASA’s 猎户座 crew capsule, 哪个是长期建造的, 载人登月和深空探测任务. 雅各布斯正在提供关键的工程, 制造和测试猎户座的重要系统,以验证严格的可靠性指导方针,这将确保自阿波罗以来首次飞往月球的任务准备就绪. Multiple 正规博彩十大网站排名 contract operations work as one team to 测试 the 环境al Control Life Support Systems, 发射中止系统, 胶囊降落伞装配系统 and Water Impact Drop and Stress Tests, as well as validating the Thermal Heat Shield withstands re-entry temperatures of more than 4,000华氏度. The 正规博彩十大网站排名 team at KSC has developed and produced thousands of heat shield components for 猎户座.



根据肯尼迪航天中心的商业补给服务合同,雅各布斯为美国宇航局向国际空间站(ISS)运送货物, 协调发射有效载荷的后勤与商业货物平台,如诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的天鹅座, 以及日本宇宙航空研究开发机构HTV. 肯尼迪和约翰逊航天中心的雅各布斯团队拥有管理国际空间站技术和科学有效载荷生命周期的专业知识, 从概念形成到操作系统集成. 他们可以开发和维护用于实验的飞行硬件, 与科学家协调准备和处理实验, 并制定在轨人员程序和计划来支持科学研究. 在马歇尔太空飞行中心, 雅各布斯团队成员发展, manufacture and 测试 components of the ISS 环境al Control and Life Support System, 以及支持材料科学实验设计, 开发与制造.

作为NASA最大的专业技术服务提供商, 正规博彩十大网站排名 brings subject matter experts with proven experience in their 技术 fields, delivering innovative solutions to exploration and research programs across the country. This work includes the operation and maintenance of a variety of unique research and development facilities, 包括美国宇航局的电弧喷气机设施和风洞, with a long history of supporting similar Department of 国防 facilities as well.
